
I have to admit that I’m already struggling a bit to keep writing here. The good news is that I’m still fairly pleased with my creation here so far, which is not common for me 😂 After starting this journey of exploring the indieweb (or however you may call it..), I came across so many good things. I’ve started using StatusCafe which is great so far, the only thing I miss would be to have some “unread” feed but maybe I’ll build one sometime. I’ve also stumbled across Bearblog, which might be the main reason I struggle writing here. The platform is so simple and easy.. I'm writing here in the Nekoweb editor and I kinda miss the Bearblog UI already. I might have come across it in the past years before while looking for blog platforms to start a travel blog. But I never did. But the sheer simplicity of the platform is SO refreshing, I actually feel like writing weekly if not daily on it. But still, just a feeling.. as it's not happening just yet. I do get the itch of setting up some CI pipeline to pull my blogs from there, and cross-publish them on here.. but, I don't even want to go there. The fact that this is just HTML/CSS, nothing around it.. also brings some refreshment.

I’ve been following a few blogs already over there that caught my interest, and I donated for a yearly membership. Was considering for using the platform for more things, but eventually decided to keep it at a simple journal for now. I still like to feel like I’m paying for that place to exist, similar as I’m donating monthly to Nekoweb. These platforms gave me hope again, I want everyone to stay around and keep doing their things here. Keep this world alive, because as many of you, I’m so done with the big tech social media.. I see my partners doom-scrolling Instagram during the day, sometimes I have a laugh with them on something stupid, but mostly I feel.. concerned? I know they are being captured by the algorithms. I never started Instagram, thankfully. A small piece of me was tempted a few times, mainly to keep in touch with some of the people we’ve met across our travels.. But I’m keeping my foot down.

I already went through this years back, with Facebook, before it became what it is now and some other platforms. I don’t feel like I’m missing anything big, so it’s easy to stay away from. But discovering the indieweb made me realise I was missing something.. A place like this. Some place where I can be me, without being myself. I mean that in the sense of that I’m being my true self out here, trying without worrying what people would think of me, without judgement etc. No accountability. Nothing that would affect my person in the real world.

Let's see.. just wanted to give my little creation some love here..